Monday, January 16, 2012

This is my very first attempt at writing a blog and right now in my life with all that I have going on it's probably the very last thing I need to be attempting. I've seen some people get started with a blog and go like gang busters at the beginning then slowly write less and less until they find themselves at not having written anything in over a year. (Melanie. Jodi.). I hope I'm not like that. I have so much I need to remember and feelings I don't ever want to forget that right now, today, I have full intentions of still be writing this time next year. And the year after that.

What made me decide to go ahead and start this is that I found this blog on Pinterest today that encourages everyone to accept a challenge to do something nice everyday for 100 days. They even supplied a button to include on your blog to say that you have accepted the challenge. And that button maybe my first failure as a blogger. Bloggess? What am I suppose to call what I am doing? I'm "blogging" but what is it you call a person (female) who writes a blog?

Back to the Pinterest challenge "button." I copied and pasted that button over and over and every time I tried to paste the button it would show up as this long http//..... site. I finally just left it and hope that when I close down and come back that it will actually be a button and not a http//......

I'm doing this because I think I need to be more mindful to be thankful. And a nicer person. And concentrate more on to think of others. Heck, everyone should do that but I think it needs to begin in me. Maybe, just maybe, my actions will encourage just one other person to share a smile, or do something nice, or be thankful, or remind someone from Whom all our blessings come.

I've already done my first act and know what my second one is going to be. Hopefully, after 100 days this will be a habit!

One other thought before I quit my first post. I don't think very many people will be interested in reading this because I seem to be fairly non-dimensional. I am a Nana and I love my grandkids like no other Grandmother has ever loved a grandchild. And I am pretty much eaten up with anything to do with Airstreams. So unless you're really interested in Maddux, Kaleigh, Logan, Luke, Jacoby or Jacob or those shiny, silver bullets called Airstreams, you're probably not going to be interested in reading what I have to say. And that's okay. My feelings aren't going to be hurt.

Next time - I'm hoping the button will suddenly and magically appear and I will attempt to post pictures! I hope I can find my way back!

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