Wednesday, April 24, 2013

I'm still here!

For weeks now I've been thinking I've got to get back and post something on the blog.  And days turn into more weeks and weeks turn into months!  And it's not that there hasn't been a lot to put down to remember - I've had a LOT of things that have happened since last July - the last time I wrote.

This is gross but this is what we're dealing with in the immediate.  Jimmy had MOHS surgery yesterday  in Granbury.  This was the third time he's had this surgery for skin cancers.  And all of them have been on his left hand side.  Open car window?  This was the first time he used Dr. Kennard in Granbury to do the surgery because Dr. Adnot in Ft Worth, who has done the last two, wouldn't accept Jimmy's current insurance.  Jimmy said Dr. Kennard was fine but this was the first time that they weren't able to get it all in the first cut.  They cut it out, cover it up and send you to eat or something for an hour to hour and a half while they do the lab work.  If it comes back clear they sew you up and send you home.  This time there was still some of the cancer, "at 3 o'clock" that they had to cut a little deeper.  We had to be there at 9:45 yesterday morning and we got home about 7:30 last night.

BTW, this is what he looked like when he woke up this morning.  He didn't know when it had bled during the night.  This evening I think it looks worse because the bruising is really showing and he is having quite a bit of swelling.

Probably the biggest newest news since I last wrote is that Hudson is here!  This cute little dumplin' graced his Mom and Dad's lives back on February 20th and is the reason for a whole lot of smiles from his Chief!  I don't know whether I'm enjoying this new baby just for the sake of his being such a blessing or how much this little fellow's arrival has rocked Charlie and Kellie's world and given Jimmy so much pride.  I do believe Jimmy could rock and hold this baby 24/7.  And I've never seen anyone study a picture (and smile) as long as he does when Charlie texts or Kellie posts new pictures on Facebook.   I think we might get to see him this weekend!  

A couple of weeks ago we went over to Saginaw for Logan and Luke's birthdays.  Kurt fixed stuffed cheeseburgers (YUM! YUM!) for everyone.  We got to meet Kurt's Dad, Pat and his wife, Trish, while there.  We had a good time and took Grannie with us.

This is (left to right) Luke, Logan, Blake and Erynn!  What a rowdy bunch!  Marcie and Kurt got Logan his very own dirt bike!  And Logan is big into WWE and got tickets for the WWE when it comes to Ft. Worth - next month, I think.  

There is much, much more that has happened - the Caravan, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Maddux's no-hitter, Maddux's concussion, Kaleigh's outstanding volleyball, track and cheerleading year ..... !  I've got wonderful pictures but I'll share those later.

But one of the greatest moments has been handing over the gavel as President of THLU to Jimmy.  I wouldn't take a million dollars for the opportunity and the fun that I had but I'm really a better member than I am a leader.  Now I can actually enjoy going to Rallies and visiting with our friends instead of constantly feeling responsible for everything!  The picture of me above was just last month at the Region Rally.  Good friend and former International President, Jim Haddaway, awarded me with a ribbon (to be attached to our Unit flag) and a certificate to me acknowledging that Texas Highland Lakes Unit has once again received the Superior Merit Award for last year when I was President.  Now if we can just survive Jimmy being President this year, we will be two happy campers!

Just one more picture.  These are just a few of Mother's beautiful iris' she has in her front yard this year.  She works so hard in that yard and it really shows!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nana, I offered a free gift to the first 20 people who commented on my blog on the last day of my 30 paintings in 30 days. I'll need your mailing address to send it to you. You can send it to my private email through my website, if you would like. Just getting around to mailing the free gifts out this week, due to my busy teaching schedule this past month. Anyway, you were #6 to comment on my blog.
