Thursday, March 1, 2012


Of all the grandkids, Maddux is probably the least likely to be offended that he was not the first grandkid to be blogged about!  Every single one of my grandkids are special in their own special, unique ways that makes each of them "my favorite."  But Maddux was the first.  He is special in that he and Melanie lived with me when he was first born because Bryan was away playing ball and the bond between him and me was cemented in the very first days he was even alive.

I am so proud of the young man he has become.  He loves his Mom and Dad.  And he loves Kaleigh and Jacoby.    And he loves sports!  Especially baseball!

This picture was when he was in Jr. High - his last year to play football after having had two concussions.  

This picture was taken this year, a couple of weeks ago in fact.  This game was the one that Maddux ended up with 23 points - 4 three pointers.  Right after this is when Reed (far left) suffered a concussion  while playing basketball and his doctor wouldn't even allow him to attend a game for a week or so.  The tall one in the back is Stetson.  We've never come up against another team yet that had anyone as tall as Stetson.  He always gets the tip off.  Right behind Maddux is Alex.  These boys have a lot of fun!  Maddux suffered yet another concussion this year too - this time in basketball practice.
I love this picture of Maddux getting a high-five from his Dad following the game.  These two guys are best buds!  I've never known of a 15 year old who had a closer relationship with his Mom and Dad as Maddux does.  But it's a two way street because Melanie and Bryan have the utmost love and respect for all of their children.  
But this is Maddux's greatest love - Baseball!
This is Maddux at his best - on the mound!

And everyone knows that if you're going to do it right - you've got to do it with a "monster face!"  Reminds me of the "monster face" that his Mom and Tish Garlington always wore while running track.  The expression "monster face" came from our good friends Terry and Alice Garlington.  

And the release!  Look at the intensity!
At shortstop!
And he's running!

All of these baseball pictures were taken in 2011 while he was playing for the Dallas Tigers.  This year he will be playing for his high school team - the Yellow Jackets - and then for the D-Bats.  I'm already praying for his safety and health!  He spent the majority of this last year in physical therapy rather than on the field and he was miserable not being able to play.  With the third concussion this year I'm thinking this will be his last year to play basketball.  He is a good basketball player, and he was a good football player, but he just can't risk getting hurt and damaging his career in baseball.  I think after this year that he will be strictly playing baseball.

Maddux = off the chart potential.

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